Here at ATP personal Training, we meet new clients every day and, although some have very specific reasons for choosing us, weight loss remains by far the most common client goal. What we find is that many of our clients have tried to lose weight before, some for many years, without success. Any yet many […]
Category: Diets
Discover how to eat healthily to support your health and fitness goals and learn how to make nutritional change sustainable to build a healthy lifestyle.
Leisure Travel vs Your Goals – 6 Tips
How to keep up your fitness now that you can travel again Now that we are all have the travel bug again, many of us will be booking holidays, either to see friends and family after far too long apart, or just to enjoy the luxury of being in different or more exotic surroundings for […]
Why diets don’t work and 6 ways to fix them
Diets don’t work – except in the short term You’ve probably heard an overweight person telling you that diets don’t work. Maybe you are that overweight person and you’ve found that diets don’t work for you. Well, you’re right! Diets don’t work, at least not in anything but the very short term. Why don’t diets […]
Diet or Exercise – which matters more for weight loss (for beginners)?
Can beginners lose weight with just one or do you need to both eat healthily and to exercise? Ask a room full of people this question and it will spark quite the debate! Some people think you can eat whatever you like if you just go for a run; others think that the only way […]
14 professional tips for weight loss beginners
For those of us who want to be in better shape, lose a significant amount of weight or even make sustainable changes in order to be healthier or live longer, it can be hard to know where to start. Although we are bombarded with all kinds of information from magazines and the Internet, there is […]
Nutrition basics for beginners explained by professionals
What will you learn from this article (a 15 minute read): The meaning of ‘calories’ and ‘energy balance’ What macros are and why they matter How to factor in alcohol What micronutrients are and in which foods to find them The importance of water The significance of nutrient timing Which supplements should you use Basics […]
Can you learn to love healthy food? These 4 tips make it easy.
We all know we should eat more healthy food like vegetables and less fried food. You don’t have to be a nutritionist to understand that a grilled salmon fillet with a baked sweet potato and salad is a healthier choice than a filet-o-fish from your favourite fast food joint. But knowing what we should be […]
20 ways to keep going while losing weight
Try as many of these tips as you need to stay on track when dieting or forming new healthy habits. We’ve probably all done it; committed to a new healthy lifestyle only to give up a few weeks or even days in. So how do other people do it? We’ve spoken to some of our […]